Moodle / H5P translation problem FR / EN
I recently installed version 1.15 of the H5P plugin (Interactive Content - H5P) on Moodle. (download on
I have a translation problem FR / EN (see attachment): the problem is present at the editor level: all the labels are in English.
I tested on Moodle 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 with the same problem.
The installation proceeds without problems or error message.
Browsers: Firefox and Google Chrome same problem.
The translation files are present in / mod / hvp / lang / en and / mod / hvp / lang / fr (access rights ok)
There is a file in the /moodledata/lang/hvp.php (access rights ok)
Thank you for your help.
Wed, 03/06/2019 - 04:15
Hi urca_cecile,The H5P
Hi urca_cecile,
The H5P description of content types are not translatable this is the reason why you are seeing it in English.
Fri, 03/08/2019 - 01:36
My experience with H5P video content in fr
Maybe unrelated to your issue but maybe it could help.
I'm building a Moodle3.5 site in french for release in production in Quebec, I actually have more then 600 H5P video content in it and the locale of the video player that is loaded when a student load an H5P video content is unrelated to is user local setting but dependant of the user local that created this H5P activity in the first place.
For exemple if the user creating the H5P video has his local set to fr when creating the video, the video player that is loaded when this activity is accessed is in French whatever the local setting of the user accessing this activity.
Once we found out this one, the person creating H5P video had to be in fr and all was good for us as we don't need to support other language.
Fri, 03/08/2019 - 07:53
Hi ams,Thank you for the
Hi ams,
Thank you for the input. You are correct the language setting that was used in creating the content will be carried over to the user.