Audio Fit to wrapper not displayed in Column (Chrome only)


I’ve found after the latest update that almost all audio files in Column with “Fit to wrapper” checked are not displayed in Chrome (version 70.0.3538.102): 

I have uploaded to an example with Column and Audio created on our WordPress production site: 

  1. (see the attached screenshot [Fit to wrapper (checked)-audio.PNG])
  2. (see the attached screenshot [Fit to wrapper (unchecked)-audio.PNG])

Additional information:

  • WordPress 4.9.8 
  • H5P 1.11.2 (Column 1.8.3; Audio 1.3.2)
  • Desktop/Browser: Windows 10 desktop, Chrome only (it’s working on Edge and Firefox, and on mobile Safari)  
  • PHPv 7.0.28
  • Ubuntu0.16.04.1
  • There aren’t any errors in browser console

Thank you!

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi tki,

Thank you for reporting this. I filed a report and you can follow the progress here.


After the recent Column update (December 12th), the problem is still present, so it's not related to this issue

BV52's picture

Hi tki,

Thank you for the information. I updated the bug ticket.
