Possible to import csv questions set?

Hi i like to import allot of questions from an old system we used (vquiz joomla based) they export a csv file.

Is this at all posible ?

BV52's picture

Hi spacecabbie,

I'm afraid this is not possible. Currently there isn't a way yet to use other files such as csv in creating H5P contents.


Oh wel its was a long shot why would you bother to import from a shit system like vquiz anyway :P My eye's have opend when i found you guys wow great product. I'll have to manualy add them the text import is lovely though make's it easyer just have reformat with notepad++

otacke's picture

Hi Spacecabbie!

There's a prototype for importing flash cards created by Sebastian Rettig. You may want to contact him and to encourage him to continue working on the project, maybe into a more general solution.
