Goals for documentation tool


I have tested the documentation tool h5p module and it works quite nice.

If possible I will use one more tool for the documentation function.

In this implementation of the documentation tool there is two options for selecting goals. A free form text field and a dropdown list with predefined goals:

http://ndla.no/nn/node/92513?fag=35  ("Vel mål frå liste" and "Skriv eige mål")

My implementation does only have "Skriv eige mål" and no "Vel mål frå liste", simular to this one:

https://h5p.org/documentation-tool ("Skriv eige mål" or "Add Goal") is the only option.

Is there any way to add in the "predefined goal option" ? ("Vel mål frå liste")

Best Reg Arne

fnoks's picture

Hello Arne,

The Documentation Tool you see on NDLA is customized. The customization makes it possible to select from all competence aims (kompetansemål) defined by Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (udir.no). I.e, it is a custom Drupal module installed on their site.

Technically it is possible to do this on other sites as well, but it would require coding skills.