H5P Guides

H5P Editor API

The H5P editor provides its own namespace as H5PEditor.

H5PEditor.t (library, key, vars)

Translate text strings.

Example usage from H5PEditor.Duration editor extension library.

H5PEditor.t('core', 'requiredProperty', {':property': field.name})


library - Library machine name, or "core" for internal strings.

key - String to look up

vars - Object. Placeholder variables. Keys in this objects will be attempted replaced in the translated string with the corresponding values.

Return value

Translated string, with variable values replaced.

H5PEditor.loadLibrary (libraryName, callback)

Loads a complete library, with semantics, scripts and CSS from the server. Injects the javascript and stylesheets then returns the semantics object in the callback.


libraryName - String. Library machine name and version on the format "macineName majorVersion.minorVersion"

callback - Function. Callback that will be called with the function semantics when loaded.

Return value

No return value

H5PEditor.processSemanticsChunk (semanticsChunk, params, $wrapper, parent)

Recursive processing of the semantics chunks.


semanticsChunk - Array of semantics.

params - object

$wrapper - jQuery object

parent - Object.

Return value

No return value


Throws a missingProperty error if field name or field type is missing from the semantics definition.

H5PEditor.addCommonField (field, parent, params, ancestor)

Adds a field to the Common Fields container. Used internally by processSemanticsChunk.


field - 

parent - 

params - 

ancestor -

Return value

No return value

H5PEditor.findLibraryAncestor (parent)

Find the nearest library ancestor. Used when adding common fields.


parent - 

Return value

Returns nearest ancestor, or parent if not found.

H5PEditor.findAncestor (parent)

Find the nearest ancestor which handles commonFields.


parent - 

Return value

Nearest ancestor, or parent if commonFields already defined in the parent.

H5PEditor.removeChildren (children)

Call remove on the given children.


children - Array of child objects to remove.

Return value

No return value

H5PEditor.findField (path, parent)

Find field from a path.


path - 

parent - 

Return value

Returns the field found, or false if not found.

H5PEditor.followField (parent, path, callback)

Observe a field to get changes to its params. This is used to track changes within an object during editing in case the change needs to be reflected visually.

An example from H5PEditor.DragQuestion. This observes the "settings/background" property and changes the background of the editor if changed.

    H5PEditor.followField(parent, 'settings/background', function (params) {


parent - The parent object of the field.

path - Relative to the parent object.

callback - Gets called for params changes.

Return value

No return value

H5PEditor.createError (message)

Create an error paragraph with the given message.


message - Error message to display.

Return value

Message wrapped in <p>-tags. 

H5PEditor.createItem (type, content, description)

Create the HTML wrapper for field items.


type - field type as string (ie. "text", "image", "number")

content - HTML content for the field as a string. Inserted in the wrapper.

description - Optional description text for the field. If set, it will be included beneath the field edit form.

Return value

Returns the generated HTML string.

H5PEditor.createOption (value, text, selected)

Create HTML for select options.


value - The value of the option

text - The text for the option

selected - Boolean value. If set, the option is set as selected.

Return value

Generated HTML string for a select option. 

H5PEditor.createText (value, maxLength, placeholder)

Create HTML for text input.


value - Initial value for the text input

maxLength - Maximum number of characters

 placeholder - Placeholder string shown if no value is entered.

Return value

Generated HTML for a text input field.

H5PEditor.createLabel (field, content)

Create a label to wrap content in.


field - Semantics object for the field.

content - HTML string for content field.

Return value

Generated HTML string for the labelled field.

H5PEditor.checkErrors ($errors, $input, value)

Check if any errors have been set. Blocks tab-key on $input if $errors is not empty.


$errors - 

$input - 

value -

Return value

Returns "value" if $errors is empty. Else returns false.

H5PEditor.libraryToString (library)

Translates a library object to a library string.


library - Library object with machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion set.

Return value

String on the form "machineName majorVersion.minorVersion"

H5PEditor.htmlspecialchars (string)

Mimics a simple version of PHP htmlspecialchars. Basically replaces brackets and quotes with corresponding HTML entities.


string - String to replace special chars.

Return value

String with special characters replaced.