H5P content not present/visible on document.ready in Drupal 8.4 bootstrap tabs
Submitted by Tag on Sun, 02/11/2018 - 00:40
H5P content not present/visible on document.ready in Drupal 8.4 bootstraps tabs. The issue is not consistant over all browsers.
1. Bootsrap - Tabs:
- Firefox: H5P content only appears in the first tab. Content in other tabs doesn’t appear.
- Chrome: Works Properly
- Edge: H5P content only appears in the first tab. Content in other tabs doesn’t appear.
2. Bootstrap - View Tabs Ajax:
- Firefox: H5P content only appears in the first tab. Content in other tabs doesn’t appear.
- Chrome: H5P content only appears in the first tab. Content in other tabs doesn’t appear.
- Edge: H5P content only appears in the first tab. Content in other tabs doesn’t appear.
3. Bootsrap - View Tabs:
- Firefox: H5P content only appears in the first tab. Content in other tabs doesn’t appear.
- Chrome: H5P content only appears in the first tab. Content in other tabs doesn’t appear.
- Edge: H5P content only appears in the first tab. Content in other tabs doesn’t appear.
4. Bootsrap - Embedding H5P content
- When imbedding content from Drupal 8.4 sites to other Drupal 8.4 sites the link is broken. Produces "Object not found!"
- When imbedding content from Drupal.org the iframe embeds work just fine.
Wed, 02/14/2018 - 08:02
Hi,I have commented this here
I have commented this here: https://www.drupal.org/project/h5p/issues/2943908#comment-12481628