Free Response Question does not stay paused
I am using Free Response Questions in the interactive video. Although I have it set to pause the video at the same time, it does not stay paused. After a few seconds to a minute, it moves on and says Question answered, without the participant pressing answer, and proceed.
I want the participant to take as long as they need. weather it is a minute to a half an hour.
In the settings for each free response question, I have the display time set to pause and at the same time so it does not move on, Max score 1, and checked required.
Do I need to change one of the settings? Does this not have an infinite stop time until the participant clicks answer and proceed. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Wed, 03/05/2025 - 18:04
Hi PreventionREP,I am unable
Hi PreventionREP,
I am unable to reproduce the issue that you mentioned. I have this content paused on the Free text content for at least an hour:
Wed, 03/05/2025 - 18:50
Sounds like HFP-3256, but
Sounds like HFP-3256, but that was fixed years ago. Old content, maybe?