H5P suddenly not working in Blackboard LMS system

Hi there, I've been running embedded H5P-generated content in my Blackboard site for the last two months without issue. Suddenly today, all of the content is inaccessible and I am seeing a "wordpress.org refused to connect" message in every window. Does anyone know what might be causing this issue? 


We have been embedding (from Pressbooks) H5P iframes for about five years without issue. All content is now showing the the WordPress error.H5P error


We are having the same issue within Canvas.


It's extremely frustrating. Our IT people say it's an issue with the Ajax API code. We're having to go in and change every single piece of embedded code. 


Is this workaround allowing the content to load? If so, would you mind sharing it with us?

otacke's picture

Could someone here please shed some more light onto the issue?

What platform are you hosting the content that you want to embed on?

I read "wordpress.org", but that does not make sense, as that certainly not the domain of where your content is hosted.

I read Pressbooks, which runs on WordPress, but there has not been any recent change to the WordPress plugin, so it may be a change that Pressbooks did.

I read Canvas, but as far as I know, there's no H5P integration for Canvas, so content must be hosted elsewhere.

And I read some hint about AJAX, but no details or concrete error.

All in all not much to work with.

Maybe following https://snordian.de/2024/02/17/how-can-i-craft-an-effective-bug-report-for-h5p-components/ would help.


Hi there, it's explained pretty clearly above, I think. Embedded H5P codes are suddenly not working in a host of LMS platforms, including Blackboard and Canvas. My site generates a "wordpress.org refuses to connect" message in every place where the H5P links were placed.  

otacke's picture

If you think so, then I won't argue but can't assist either.

Here is an example.

I am trying to embed the H5P component (see attached image) into a Canvas Quiz. I found the embed code here: https://pressbooks.uwf.edu/medicalterminology/chapter/word-parts-and-rules/

Here is the embed code:

<iframe src="https://pressbooks.uwf.edu/medicalterminology/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?ac..." width="830" height="289" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" title="Word Parts and Rules: Key Terms"></iframe><script src="https://pressbooks.uwf.edu/app/plugins/h5p/h5p-php-library/js/h5p-resize..." charset="UTF-8"></script>

When I drop this into the classic Canvas Quiz HTML editor, I receive an error (see attached) that says: 

    There has been a critical error on this website.
    Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.


I am using the Chrome browser.

otacke's picture

That's a problem that is occuring on the Pressbooks server which only they can check, so it would be advisable to reach out to them.

I am not ruling out that this is a problem with H5P of some sort, but my own WordPress based site allows to embed content just fine. Without being able to investigate this on the server, there's nothing anyone on this forum could do.