Ability to include images with Tables in Advanced/Complex FIB

I guess this would come with a full featured text editor  (teach science so often need those super/subscripts) — but the ability to add images to the complex/advanced FIB — or a something akin to Moodles cloze option.

Migrating from Moodle to D2L, not as full featured as Moodle, so we've been given H5P to supplement — but creating tables with images is rather difficult (found a rather kludgy workaround) and not as pretty as it was in Moodle using D2L.

See image for example.


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otacke's picture

Advanced/Complex Fill in the Blanks was created by Sebastian Rettig and seems to have been abandoned. It has not been maintained for years.

I've been using it a lot as D2L is a bit "odd" and the basic FIB doesn't include a full text editor or tables that I need.

So miss the cloze format in Moodle — brilliant options and highly adaptable. 

Thanks for the heads up.

papi Jo's picture

1.- "found a rather kludgy workaround" can you provide more details?

2.- Could you provide a more clear example of using images (and tables?) in an advanced fitb H5P activity, as your example screenshot is not very clear?

Oh, I usually post a postnotes vocabulary review, with FIB and drop downs mixed.

I create a table, add some nice colours, and images, than include coloured text to relate to the image colours.

Just makes for a more legible view, and I can includle mutlitple images, in the columns, sometime I'll include a mouseover so the student can flip between two images of the same.

Sometimes, it is just a table for the sake of readability (attached image)

Access to the HTML definetly is a big help.

I guess what we really need is something like Moodle's cloze function — so very useful.
