Personalized video content

Heya, just stumbled upon h5p project and it seems very promising. I am very impressed about the pure html5 approach to display overlays! 

I did not find anyway to personalize the content or experience. Maybe I am missing something? 

What I would like to achieve is following:

1. Using URL parameters to customize and personalize the content. For example using users first name in the welcome scene. Name would be passed as url parameter as

2. I would also like to customize the playlist of video clips / parts of the video based on the url. For example /content?playScene=1,2,3,7 or /content?scene1=yes&scene2=no and so on... 

3. Can I send the user responses to custom API to save and process them accordingly?

Thanks in advance for advising if any of above is available :) 

Content types: 
thomasmars's picture

Hi, I'm happy you're enjoying the H5P experience.

The documentation contains a few guides for customizing and extending content and content types.

1) It is not possible to pass in parameters since H5P does not know what context it is inserted into. There could be other content on the page that requires the same parameters. Also there may be multiple H5P content on the same page that would require different parameters, so it is not a reliable method for customizing content.

However there are ways to personalize content, though it requires some developer knowledge. You can use hooks and the CMS' user object to attach the name inside the parameters (which is the data object each H5P is rendered from). See more in your CMS' customization page:

2) There are several options in Interactive Video that can be combined to achieve this. For instance start time of video, cross-roads and navigational hotspots. This can also be achieved with modifications to code, like the previous point.

3) Yes, you can. We use xAPI events to dispatch user events, you can read more about how you can catch them and do whatever you want with them from there at: