Interactive video - Action on wrong bug

I'm trying to create a video using the 'Adaptability' function > Action on wrong. When I insert the seek timecode and select the Allow the user to opt out and continue,  this doesn't seem to work it only allows the user the replay option meaning the student can't continue with the rest of the video and the rest of the questions until they replay and get the answer correct. I would like the user to be able to decide if they replay the video to get the answer correct or decide to just continue on. I have not selected Require full score for task before proceeding AND I have not disabled the overall navigation. Can you please let me know if this is infact a bug OR if it does work what am I doing wrong?

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Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
timothylimh5p's picture

I have reproduced the bug by:

  1. Cloning the Interactive Video content type on
  2. Creating a true/false at the beginning where the correct answer is 'true'
  3. Set Adaptivity to of seeking to 1:00 but also allowing the user to opt out
  4. Test the content type and answer "false"
  5. Notice how it still seeks

I have attached the content type to test.

H5P file: 
otacke's picture

Actually, it's not a bug (in code). This confusion may be an indicator of a UX problem though.

If you do not tick the "Allow the user to opt out and continue", then everything outside the overlay will grayed out. The only option for the user to continue in adaptivity mode is to click on the "Continue" button (or whatever you labeled it via the "Label for seek button"

If you, however, tick the "Allow the user to opt out and continue", then the user can still interact with the video, for instance simply click the play button to continue the video and not seek to what the adaptivity option set. The user will not be asked to confirm whether he or she wants to continue "here" or where he/she was supposed to be sent to or similar.

Thank you Otacke,

I have now replicated what you have explained and indeed this is not clear to the user. When a user answers a question they would likely interact with the options displayed after they click 'check' on the multiple choice question, rather than navigate to the overall video play button to go to the next question. It appears to the user that they only have the option to seek and need to keep replaying until they get the answer right to continue in the video. I will write some instructions to explain how this works for our users, but it's not ideal. It would be better if you tick "Allow the user to opt out and continue" that after they check their answer, that they are presented with 2 options within the multiple choice box 1. replay (which seeks to the timecode input) AND 2. continue. How do I request this functionality update in the UX? It should be possible because if you don't use 'Adaptability' then the user has the option to 'show solution', 'retry' or 'continue'.

otacke's picture

I assume that BV is going to follow up on this.

BV52's picture

Hi Oliver,

Thank you for the explanation. I was actually about to reply ;-)

@UON_learning I'm moving this post to the Feature request forum.

Feature request: if you tick "Allow the user to opt out and continue" that after they check their answer, that they are presented with 2 options within the multiple choice box 1. replay (which seeks to the timecode input) AND 2.


Thank you! this would be great to be able to use for all our Auslan interactive videos in 2025. I wonder how quickly feature requests progress or do they need a lot of votes first?

BV52's picture

Hi UON_learning,

We don't have a set timeline when a feature request will be implemented. We also cannot guarantee all requests will be accepted by the Product team.


timothylimh5p's picture

+1 to this.

BV52's picture

Hi Tim,

Thank you for reproducing.