Waiting for javascript


I installed h5p component, plugins and libraries for joomla from github on my site (pkg_h5p_1.0.2).

It seems it works, but "waiting for javascript" (printscreen is joined) is indicated.

the site is in joomla 4.4.9, php 8.1.

Tried with firefox and chrome, javascript is enable.

Please, can you help me ?

Thanks a lot !


otacke's picture

The H5P extension for Joomla was not created by H5P Group, and it rarely used to the best of my knowledge. It is quite unlikely that someone here in the H5P community forum has experienced the same and might help you. You might want to reach out to the developer Vitalii Butsykin first.

If it in fact is a problem with H5P's core functions that the H5P extension for Joomla uses, your report does not give enough information to help you. Please create a more meaningful error report.

Thanks a lot,

so I sent a ticket to the developper.

However, what kind of informations can i give you to help for resolving, or see if h5p's core is in problem ?

Thanks again !


Hi Damien,

I came across the same error and figured out, that the plugin author put the js and css files in the wrong directory (libraries). This joomla system folder is protected against including files from. Fast solution would be commenting out the htaccess-file in the library folder, longer way would be to change the code of the component and put the files in the media folder instead.

But even after solving this, the plugin doesn't work completely bug-free... when installing elements from h5p I get an error and there is no documentation or anything else that can solve this.

Contact me if you have solved this, please. Or anyone else who has solved using the h5p plugin for joomla!

