Validating h5p package failed.




I programmatically created an interactive book. However, when I upload it, I get a Validation error. The problem is that I can't find a mention of either of the two libraries anywhere. Where can I download these libraries?





Validating h5p package failed.

Missing required library H5P.AdaptiveContent 1.0Get help

Missing required library H5P.IVInteractiveSummary 1.5Get help

Content types: 
papi Jo's picture

What to you mean by "I programmatically created an interactive book."? Is that a new H5P content based on existing H5P.InteractiveBook? Did you create those new libraries H5P.AdaptiveContent and H5P.IVInteractiveSummary?

In brief, if you don't provide more specific detail we cannot help you.

otacke's picture

Hi Deon!

What's the foundation/source of your Interactive Book content? It specifies `H5P.AdaptiveContent` and `H5P.IVInteractiveSummary` as dependencies, but these don't exist to the best of my knowledge - or at least they are not available publicly.

If you used some machine learning tool to generate that content, it may have made up those two dependencies (aka hallucination, even though that term is disputable). If you downloaded some H5P content that served as a basis and in fact contained those libraries before, you may want to reach out to the person who created them and make sure he/she knowns what he/she is doing - or stop it! We've just seen an unpleasent case of someone patching original H5P libraries and spreading them in the wild ...


otacke's picture

Not in the mood to answer our questions?

papi Jo's picture

Maybe the OP forgot they asked a question on this forum. Or they found the answer to their problem by themsleves. Or they have moved to a more rewarding occupation than programing for H5P contents. Or they have gone on holidays. Who knows?

otacke's picture

Yeah, maybe the problem was solved with our answers - and why should one care to say thanks or to at least be so kind to satisfy the helpers' curiosity ...