How to jump to a certain time of interactive video in url?
Submitted by tomber on Tue, 09/12/2023 - 02:55
Thanks for your good product.I post the interactive video content in a page,and I want to user to quick locate the detail of a video in some time,I add a time tag or node in the url,like a youtube:,but it does't work,could you tell me how to make it,so that when I add a url in the post,user can quickly jump to the certain video.
Content types:
Tue, 09/12/2023 - 12:27
Hi!This is not possible
This is not possible currently. H5P needs to use YouTube's Player API with a different feature set which has nothing to to with the URL API that you're trying to use. It's not impossible to include something similar for Interactive Video, but that requires development.