

I am trying to build my own online courses. I am familiar with H5P since I have been using it in my school's Moodle. I wish to use it also for my own business. I tried to build a platform on Wordpress with LearnDash but I am so confused and frustrated with all those plugins and extra costs. Kajabi would be much easier and provides a ready app. I tried to embed H5P into Kajabi courses (only to paying users) and seems to work well also on the app. But several questions came to mind: 

1. Public? What exactly means? I disabled the option to index my public contect in search engines and any possibile embedding option. I also specified the only domain where the public content shall be available from. I also made sure the bar under the H5P content is disabled. Will this make my content protected enough? 

2. Is there any possible way, 3rd party app or whatever, to make possible to users to save their results if they go back to the content?

3. Is there any possbile way for me to see the results of every user?

Any other suggestions/tips are well welcome! 

BV52's picture

Hi casa_italia,

You mentioned "provides a ready app" which to me means that Kajabi provides a custom version of the H5P plugin. While I have no doubt that members of the community may be able to provide suggestions I would suggest that you reach out to Kajabi support for assistance. 

If in case you are hosting your content somehere else like H5P.com please reply to this comment.



Mmm, I am not sure i was misunderstood or I misunderstood. Kajabi has its own app and embedded H5P works fine in that too. But the point of my post was another and it's not on Kajabi's part!

I asked specific questions about H5P

...and as long as I mentioned "embedded H5P" I thought it was obvious that the content is on H5P.com

BV52's picture

Hi casa_italia,

I think I misunderstood, and fyi embedding is a feature that is available in almost all iterations of the H5P software. 

Anyway to answer your questions:

  1. A content that is "public" means that anyone that knows the URL of your content can view it. The steps that you outlined protects your content, it is also great that you used the "Whitelisting" feature of H5P.com as this provides extra protection i.e. even if someone knows the URL of your contents in H5P.com they will not be able to access it.
  2. No, the resume feature only works if you are inserting a content using LTI. I checked Kajabi's support site and I don't think they support LTI 1.1 or LTI 1.3. I could be wrong so I suggest that you check with their technical support. If they do support LTI, it is best that you set this up. With LTI You will have a seamless integration between H5P.com and Kajabi. Lastly you will need Drill-Down Reports as part of your license to use the resume feature.
  3. The same as item #2 you need to have an LTI connection and Drill Down Reports for scoring to work. 

Hopefully, this helps if you have other concerns I'd suggest that you send an email to [email protected]. This is the email address of H5P.com's Customer Success team.


Thanks so much! That´s was helpful. So I guess if I don't give the direct link to my H5P.com content it shall be private enough. 

And yeah, I also tried to figure out if Kajabi supports LTI, but I found no info about it, so I guess it doesn't.

I was actually trying to understand more about Drill-Down Reports, but if I understood right it only works on LTI, so with Kajabi is out the question then if it doens't support it. 

BV52's picture

Hi casa_italia,

I'm glad I was able to help.

You are correct on all points. But hopefully Kajabi eventually supports LTI so that you can take full advantage of what H5P.com has to offer.

If you have other questions feel free to post here or send us an email at [email protected] which is actually better since the email support is 24/5 so you'll get a faster reply ;-)