Trial Period
Submitted by bebe517 on Thu, 04/20/2023 - 22:10
I am interested in signing up for a 30-day trial in hopes that the interactions I use will persuade my company to look at licensing.
However, I want to make sure that if they do not move forward after the trial, my embed code activities will not be lost.
So- if I create an interaction will it continue to work, even after the trial?
Newbie to HTML world so apologies if the answer is obvious. :D
Fri, 04/21/2023 - 00:30
Hi bebe517,After the trial
Hi bebe517,
After the trial ends and you did not sign up for the paid license you will not be able to access the contents anymore. However this doesn't those contents will not work anymore. You can download the contents as .h5p files before the trial ends and you can use them by self hosting with the H5P plugin. Below are some relevant documentations:
For additional information you can send an email to our Customer Success team at [email protected]