Using laTex for Spanish letters
Submitted by Emmakl on Tue, 03/21/2023 - 03:21
I am doing up a Spanish quiz in different H5P types and have tried to use LaTex script below but it spearates the words and italisizes the lettters. I need to use Tilde and acutes mostly. Is there a way to include Spanish script in H5P?
$$ \tilde{n} $$
Tue, 03/21/2023 - 18:00
Hi Emmakl,I haven't checked
Hi Emmakl,
I haven't checked what is causing the issue. However doesn't it make it easier to just type the letters either using the Character Map app or adding the Spanish language to your keyboard or do what I do I type Alt+164 for ñ and Alt+165 Ñ. Admittedly ñ is the only letter I have experience using in my local language but I'm pretty sure the solution will work for other letters as well. I found this blog that may help. I've also created a simple content were I used the alt method.