Interactive Book Resume feature

gabrielituv's picture




The January Release Note states that one of the improvements for the Interactive Book now supports the Resume (saving content state) feature. This is great news, as it is a feature that we have been looking forward to. I have updated the content type on Moodle, but the Resume feature is not showing on existing Interactive Books. Can you provide guidance on how users can save their answers? Thank you.

Content types: 
otacke's picture


This question has been answered many times on the forum already (for other content types, but it's not a content type issue).

You will need to activate the "save content state" feature in the general settings of the H5P plugin. That's it.

If you're using moodle's custom H5P integration (with the content bank, etc.), then you are currently out of luck, because that H5P integration does not yet support this feature. You'd have to ask moodle HQ for details, because the H5P core team was not involved in the development of moodle's custom H5P integration.



PCaso's picture

I just took an old Interactive Book and modified the default color and re-saved the activity. Then I tested it with a dummy student account and completed the forst set of pages and questions. I made sure they were marked finished and then closed the browser completely and reopened it under the dummy student account and reaccessed the Interactive Book and the previous work was still there. I was able to resume!

I did make sure the save content state was enabled in the plugin settings. So, you are not out of luck... you may just need to double check your settings and re-save old Interactive Books. 

otacke's picture

What H5P integration are you referring to? I specifically mentioned moodle's custom H5P integration only that does not yet support the resume function. Moodle's custom H5P integration is not the H5P plugin for moodle.