H5P Import to it'slearning the second

villon's picture

Hello community,

I probably just want to whine a bit about the fact that various LMS systems are unable or unwilling to integrate H5P or develop their own modules for integration. Government mandated, I am doomed to have to use it'slearning aka sh.it'slearning. This means that all the learning modules I collected or created myself in the last years are for the dustbin, since the import would only be possible via the state's own media library or via the detour of scorm-export. Lumi can do the latter yes, but a bulk-export there would be new to me. And I don't expect too much from It'slearning with its grotty user guidance and the partly unfriendly representative in the form of Dataport. HTML export might be a possible solution if it could be automated. I am just fed up with how badly everything is coordinated.



otacke's picture

Hi villon!

As far as I know, itslearning now also has a custom H5P integration (without using the Hub).

I wonder what you mean with "how badly everything is coordinated".


villon's picture

Hello Oliver, this mainly concerns the somewhat strange installation of itslearnin here in Schleswig-Holstein. First, this system was to be purchased for one year at the beginning of the Corona period. This might have meant that after one year we would have had to switch to another LMS.

Then there are always weeks of shutdown of services. And as I said, the lack of integration by the implementing company. H5P is not integrated here in the country. Of course, all this concerns first of all the executing company and itslearning itself. But also the integration of H5P is also not yet optimal, because this can not be incorporated via the actually intended plans, but only as a source coming from the outside to it, which then probably can not be included in the performance evaluation.

Greetings villon

otacke's picture


I see, so you're rather letting off steam targeted at your local situation and not something that the H5P core team would have influence on.

To the best of my knowledge, Schleswig-Holstein has an open-source strategy and thus intended to only use itslearning temporarily. I assume the state traded money for quick deployment and management during Covid times. I assume the plan still is to move to an openly sourced solution at some point, and at least I was under the impression that this procedure was communicated accordingly.

I don't know what the policies for the H5P integration in itslearning are, but I suppose that it's not a free upgrade but would need to be paid by the state. They seem to be using H5P via LTI which in theory allows to convey scoring information and integration into other platforms that support LTI. I know nothing about itslearning or details about the future plans of Schleswig-Hostein though, so I cannot tell whether their future solution will feature H5P directly or at least be able to include it via LTI.
