Auto Bolded Text

Headers & Tables Auto Bolding Text

While creating interactive presentations, I have been running into an issue where headers and tables are being auto-bolded.
When editing the text, it doesn't show itself as bolded. However, when you complete your edits, the text appears in bold.
Is there a way to prevent Headers and Tables from bolding their text?

Thank you,

Content types: 
villon's picture

Moin checchiv,

es wäre schön, wenn du das mit einer entsprechenden H5P-Datei besser illustrieren würdest, so dass man dein Problem nachvollziehen kann. Und der Inhaltstyp ist nicht Impressive Presentation, aber egal. Genauere Fehlerbeschreibungen führen meist zu besserer Hilfe, ansonsten wird das nichts.



Hello checchiv,

it would be nice if you could illustrate this better with a corresponding H5P file so that people can understand your problem. And the content type is not Impressive Presentation, but never mind. More precise error descriptions usually lead to better help, otherwise it won't work.

