RCB compatibility (for interactive video) - to be GDPR compliant


H5P is amazing, thank you for this great tool!

Only downside is when creating an interactive video with H5P, and incorporationg a video i.e. Vimeo, the video is not blocked by cookie banners and thus the cookies are set, even though they should not be.

Background: We sit in Europe and have to be GDPR compliant. Which means, no cookies must be active, till the user allows them. For this purpose we use a cookie banner, that blocks all cookies, till the user turns them on.

We use wordpress and our current cookie banner is Real Cookie Banner (https://wordpress.org/plugins/real-cookie-banner/). This works just fine for any video content, such as YouTube or Vimeo, that is embedded diretly into our site. It just does not work with videos within H5P.

 I understand that with RCB compatibility this could be achieved. Is there any way to make this work?


RCB compatibility (for interactive video) - to be GDPR compliant
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Hey H5P developers!

Here is Matthew, one of the developers of Real Cookie Banner.

In general, to be GDPR compatible and be Real Cookie Banner compatible, you can use our consent API. Technically you need to wait for consent with a straightforward API function for each external service: https://docs.devowl.io/real-cookie-banner/js/modules/_wordpress_plugins_...

Example for Vimeo embed in learning videos:

(window.consentApi && window.consentApi.unblock("player.vimeo.com") || Promise.resolve()).then(function() { console.log("Consent for Vimeo given, unlock content...!"); });


Instead of player.vimeo.com you can pass all external URLs and if the website owner has configured e.g. a Vimeo service with a content blocker, the Vimeo player should be blocked / delayed until user gives consent.

When we have introduced the main compatibility, we can introduce another compatibility: The scanner functionality, so e.g. Vimeo gets found in the scanner when using H5P with Vimeo. But step by step. :-)

What do you think?


the main issue, as I understand it, is that in the branching scenarios data is loaded dynamically (a Java Script is loading a Java Script), which is why it can't be blocked automatically by a cookie plugin. Waiting for cookies before they are allowed is a prerequisit for fullfilling GDPR though.

It seems like it is just a one line update, to wait for the consent from "Real Cookie Banner". Here is the example of the code

Is it possible to consider this in any of the next releases?

Thank you!


the main issue, as I understand it, is that in the branching scenarios data is loaded dynamically (a Java Script is loading a Java Script), which is why it can't be blocked automatically by a cookie plugin. Waiting for cookies before they are allowed is a prerequisit for fullfilling GDPR though.

It seems like it is just a one line update, to wait for the consent from "Real Cookie Banner". Here is the example of the code

Is it possible to consider this in any of the next releases?

Thank you!


does noone have any thoughs on this?
