H5p content not visible on wordpress

Hi everyone 

I / we just can't see our content on wordpress anymore. It seems to work fine on mobile and some few sections seem to work, but others doesnt. 

We updated everything. 

Maybe someone could have a a quick look at the code and tell me what is wrong ? 



Kind regards 


Malte Schuldt


otacke's picture

Hi Malte!

If you open your browser's development console (usually by pressing F12), you'll notice a couple of red error messages. The lower ones are from an old version of Course Presentation, because some cached file cannot be found. However, there's another error message that seems to have been issued by some other WordPress plugin that handle's caching. Might be related. If you have an option to flush all caches, that might already be the solution. Also, you could deactivate the other caching plugin in order to check whether that causes problems for H5P.


Hi Oliver! 

Thx for your quick reply. I am sorry for my late reply. I hope you still have some time to answer. And how would deactive the caching plugin ? 

otacke's picture


It must be among your WordPress plugins, so you should be able to (temporarily) deactivate it in the settings of WordPress.

