Eye Icon in Content Bank?

Can anyone tell me what the eye with the line through it means when I view the H5P content bank in this Moodle course? As you can see in the attachment, there are several H5P activities in the content bank for this course and two are marked with an eye with a line slashed through (which would imply to me that it's hidden or something like that). The activities can still be added to the Moodle page and students can still interact with them. They seem to be functioning normally. Has anyone seen this who can tell me what it means?

Content types: 
otacke's picture


The content bank is a feature of moodle's custom integration of H5P. The H5P core team was not involved in its development. Therefore it's more likely that someone on the moodle forum can help you.

What I know: That symbol in moodle indeed means that something is hidden. If it's in fact not hidden, it might be a bug in moodle - that you should also report on moodle's end.
