Error while editing interactive activity display time in interactive video


I am facing a error after updating the h5p to the new version

While editing interactive questions display time in interactive video  , below error message is appearing always

The from value exceeds the maximum of 2:58.

But there is no error if we are adding a new interative aitem from tool bar



Is any one facing the same?

LMS: Moodle 3.10.7

H5p Version : 1.22.3 , 2021061100

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi jasimp,

How long is the video? Also it would help if you can provide the content that is having the issue.



The video only 20 minutes.

I tested with all type of videos including you tube videos and the issue is there

The issue that facing  when we are re opening an interactive content and editing the interactive display time  and this issue with the new version only

So what i am doing now is, if i want to edit the timing, just copy it and paste it again then edit the time. Newly created interactivve content doesnt have the time editing issue. Once we saved the entire h5p then reopen the interactive content for editing the timing, then there is the issue and the error messge same for all time.

One of my installation still works on old verion and there is no such issue. 


BV52's picture

Hi jasimp,

Just to isolate the issue have you tried downloading the content that is having an issue and uploading it to the other installation? Also can you check if you have any errors in the browser console.