H5P in Moodle - slow IV loading time


We are currently experiencing a loading problem for interactive videos on the Moodle plugin. After setting up the IV activity, the first entry to the activity page requires a loading time of 15-30 seconds. This only happens once for every IV added to a course site (also for imported H5P activities), meaning that once a user goes through this loading time once, all other users that follow will load the page instantly.  

Our LMS provider investigated this issue and came up with the following explanation (excuse the vagueness, I can ask for clarification and details if needed):

The first entry to an IV page loads up the H5P libraries and gives the instance an ID which was previously null. This process takes roughly the time mentioned above.

This is especially weird and never happened before with previous H5P and/or Moodle versions. Our current Moodle version is 3.9.8 and the H5P version is 1.24. The problem persists regardless of the hosting server and/or web browser / OS.

Needless to say this is a major issue for us, as IV is the most common content type in our institution with thousands of instances. The user experience is on the verge of being unacceptable and we must figure out a solution.

Have you heard a report of a similar issue recently? Do you have any thoughts or ideas of what we can do to solve this?

Thanks in advance.



Hi Uriya! We are facing the exact same issues. Have you found any solutuons?

Not yet unfortunately.