AUTOMATIC submission of answers in a interactive video?

I get asked a lot why answers aren't being submitted in an interactive video. After all, the user has done a lot of work sitting there watching a video and interacting with the content that is overlayed on the video. Little do they realise that the tiny obscure star icon at the end of the video bar is in fact a button that you can and must press. It doesn't sing or dance or animate in any way to alert your attention to it, so why would you click it? - unless you had secret insider knowledge that it is in fact something you have to do IF you want your answers to be recorded. Any of course, nobody would ever want their answers recorded would they?

  1. My users don't know the star is clickable.
  2. My users complain their responses aren't saved.
  3. Why can't the interactive video just submit automatically at the end?

This content type just has so many shortcomings like this. The secret star button is the icing on the cake though - there isn't even a tool tip to indicate that it does anything. There's an "aria label" in the code which reads "Open summary dialog". Nobody knows what a summary dialog is. "Dialogue" is a word that means "a conversation between two or more people" - it doesn't have anything to do with "here is the secret button you must press".

Put labels on the buttons so people know they ARE buttons
Content types: 

It would be a behaviour setting that the teacher can select that the student submits all answers at once or that they are recorded automatically per activity within the video.  Also, there is a lack of instructional information on h5p.or and regarding the Learning Analytics for H5P interactive videos.  It would be great if the documentation included information about how the submit screen works. 

It would be a behaviour setting that the teacher can select that the student submits all answers at once or that they are recorded automatically per activity within the video.  Also, there is a lack of instructional information on h5p.or and regarding the Learning Analytics for H5P interactive videos.  It would be great if the documentation included information about how the submit screen works. 


This should be implemented

Now other modern players doing everything including moving to next video automatically once it is completed 


This should be implemented

Now other modern players doing everything including moving to next video automatically once it is completed 

fburger's picture

Agree with all the prior comments about the Submit function being counter-intuitve and leading to lost responses.