Moodle: mdl_context id=3
Hi, we are using Moodle310 and we would like to add some content type using h5p module. We receive an error: "Exception call to a member function get_content on bool". In apache log appear: "Got error 'PHP message: Default exception handler: Sorry, the requested file could not be found Debug: \nError code: filenotfound\n* line 498 of /lib/setuplib.php: moodle_exception thrown\n* line 2134 of /lib/filelib.php: call to print_error()\n* line 5038 of /lib/filelib.php: call to send_file_not_found()\n* line 44 of /pluginfile.php: call to file_pluginfile()\n', referer: htps://xxxxxx"
Any one have had the same error?
I'm reading in google, and ii's seems that the problem is because mdl_context path start with /3 and not /1.