Drag and Drop Number of correctDZ > actual Dropzones

Hi, we habe a Problem with the Drag and Drop.
We made a Questionset with multiple answers possible, there are 11 Dropzones, but the Contenttype calculates 12 points, so you only can get 11/12 at MaxScore.
This can be fixed, when the function calculateMaxScore is limited by the available dropzones.Until when is an update/fix available ?

prototype.calculateMaxScore = function () {
    var e = 0;
    if (this.blankIsCorrect) return 1;
    for (var t = this.options.question.task.elements, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
        var i = this.correctDZs[n];
        void 0 !== i && i.length && (t[n].multiple ? (e += i.length) : e++);
    if (e > this.dropZones.length) {
        e = this.dropZones.length;
    return e;
Content types: 

We also tried to fix the h5p, but it maybe fetches the drag-question.js from libary

otacke's picture

Hi Rainer!

That solution would still leave you stuck in a couple of scenarios, cmp. https://h5p.org/node/1187680 - but there's also a pull-request that should cover all scenarios, see https://github.com/h5p/h5p-drag-question/pull/116

You can patch libraries locally, but (depending on the platform that you are using), you'll have to clean H5P's caches or upload a patched version of the library.

