Fill-in-the-blank formatting problems

When we create a paragraph in the fill-in-the-blank activity, there are sometimes unnecessary and confusing spaces/blank spaces added in that make it difficult to enter the correct answer. We would like to be able to use this for language exams, more specifically C-tests. It is quite time consuming to go back and forth and manually make sure that unnecesseary and confusing spaces aren't there. Does anyone have a solution for this? Here are a few examples of what is happening:

The task should look like this:

Amanda Gorman, the 23 year old American poet who a___ drew widespread acclaim at Joe Biden__ inauguration, has revealed...

Instead it looks like this:

Amanda Gorman, the 23-year-old American poet who a
___ drew widespread acclaim for her reading at Joe Biden
___ presidential inauguration, has revealed she...


Amanda Gorman, the 23-year-old American poet who also drew widespread acclaim for her reading at Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration, has revealed she...

Content types: 
otacke's picture

Hi nicholsd!

Are you by any chance pasting those sentences from some other site/application that might contain control sequences (such as line breaks)? If yes, try to use ctrl-shift-v to paste which should make sure that only the plain text gets pasted.


BV52's picture

Hi nicholsd,

I think Oliver is right I just tested this and it seems "normal" on my end.