Fullscreen interactive vertical video on instagram browser

Hi there! first off, thanks for such a great tool you guys provide for free!

Im trying to use interactive video with my instagram followers, bu everytime I load an interactive video with instagram browser I get some glitches:

- autostart doesnt work

- auto full screen doenst work

- the vertical video is shown with "horizontal width", as old youtube videos, even when I click on fullscreen. 

Im using h5p on my wordpress site, btw.

I inserted some screenshots about the issue and showing as well how the same insta browser loads straight video files exactly the way im talking about when it is not displayed through H5P

Any thoughts would be really appreciated!



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BV52's picture

Hi pudim,

Browsers are gettings stricter and auto-plays are sometimes blocked, this security feature of browsers was mostly developed because of advertisments on some websites.

I think the same goes for full screen and the Interactive Video does not really have an auto full screen feature.

The vertical video is a feature is not available and I think it is best to post this as a feature request.