Insert Vimeo link in interactive video
Submitted by mvdenbosch on Fri, 01/22/2021 - 16:06
In H5P I am trying to create an interactive video with 360-degree footage. If I use a link to the video file on YouTube, the interactive video will be played in 360 degrees. As soon as I use a vimeo link to the same video source file, the footage is not viewing correctly. The Vimeo player shows stiched 360 footage and you're able to "look around" (with your mouse). Once I put the link in H5P, the 360 footage doesn't seem to be converted to 360 degrees.
Anyone familiair with this issue? How can it be solved?
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Sat, 01/23/2021 - 00:08
Hi mvdenbosch!I fear this is
Hi mvdenbosch!
I fear this is not a bug but expected behavior.
H5P does not interpret the video in any way, but it just displays what get's delivered by the platform. In the case YouTube, H5P can use YouTube's API and YouTube takes care of transforming the video, displaying the navigation for 360, etc. on their end and then sends this to Interactive Video. In the case of Vimeo, all H5P gets is the fish-eye video that is not pre-processed in any way.
Mon, 01/25/2021 - 11:35
import 360 content
Thank you for your reply Oliver.
If the 360 video is working as intended on the Vimeo side, then the issue is likely with how H5P is embedding/importing the content. What method does H5P uses to add Vimeo content?
Mon, 01/25/2021 - 14:46
Hi!Yes, that's what I was
Yes, that's what I was trying to explain. H5P simply takes the link to the video file from Vimeo and passes it to the browser's HTML5 player. There's no API usage involved for Vimeo, only for YouTube and Panopto.