Move Feedback for Find Multiple Hotspots closer to Interaction

cogdog's picture

I am working with a medical education project using Find Multiple Hotspot to have learners identify the points where they can take a pulse.

The image they are using has a very tall orientation, so for the hotspot near the top of the image (on the neck) the feedback displayed at the bottom of the screen is very far from where the interaction (and the green check feedback appear). This is not good practice to have the feedback so widely separated.

Can the feedbacl be display closer to the point of interaction?


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otacke's picture

Hi Alan!

Find Multiple Hotspots was not created by the H5P core team, but by an external contributor who abandoned the project.

I assume the H5P core team does not have the resources to improve those external contributions, but the source code is openly licensed (, so maybe you can find someone to implement the required changes.

