H5P Guides

True/False Tutorial

A True/False question is often used in surveys and consists of a statement that demands a true or false answer. Alternatively, you could change the answers to Yes/No, Agree/Disagree, etc.

In this tutorial, you will learn:

  • When to use a True/False question
  • How to create a True/False question


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Here's the True/False question we'll create in this tutorial:

When to use True/False

The True/False activity is ideal for questions that have only yes/no answers. It is often used in surveys but it can be used in any activity that offers only yes/no answers.

Step 1: Topic

The question we'll ask is: "Is Canberra the largest city in Australia?"

Step 2: Creating a True/False question

Select the New content option and choose True/False from the list of Content types:

Step 3: True/False editor

The True/False editor should now appear. The editor should look something like this:

In this tutorial, we'll focus on creating the True/False question using the above example.

Step 4: Creating content

Type in some title and, under "Question" type: "Is Canberra the largest city in Australia?"

Alternatively, you can choose to rename the "True" and "False" labels. This can be done under "Text overrides and translations:"

Step 5: Providing feedback

Now, we'll define feedback for the user, both in case of a correct and incorrect answer.
Open "Behavioral Settings" and under "Feedback on correct answer" type: "Correct answer! Canberra is the capital city, but the largest city in Australia is Sydney.". Under "Feedback on wrong answer" type: "Wrong answer! The largest city in Australia is Sydney."

Step 6: Finishing up

Save the node/article to view your finished True/False question. 
You should now have the same result as the example at the top of the page. 
Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions on how to improve this tutorial.