July 2024 release note

New H5P Development Environment (for programmers)

It is now much easier for programmers to develop H5P content types. With the old way it could take many hours to set things up before you can start coding. The new development environment is set up in minutes. There are also many neat features that make developing content types faster and easier. Hopefully we will have many more programmers in the community developing new and improving existing H5P content types. This will result in more and faster improvements for everyone using H5P.

The old development environment required setting up a LAMP stack or similar and Drupal. The new development environment is based on Node.

Start using the H5P Development Environment

If you have git, NodeJS and npm installed already getting started is a breeze.

Dive into our comprehensive documentation and source code on GitHub to get started quickly.
Explore on GitHub
See the screenshots from H5P Development Enviroment


sponsors october

The H5P.com customers

The customers of H5P.com, the SaaS version of H5P, are the biggest sponsors of H5P. While enjoying the best version of H5P, receiving priority support from the H5P Core Team and experiencing high-end hosting, H5P.com customers also contribute massively to the open source project with feedback and funding. H5P.com was first launched August 1st 2018. Since then, more than 2000 organizations have chosen to use H5P.com. The partner list includes most of the world's top 10 universities, large school districts, some of the world's leading car manufacturers, famous NGOs and more. By joining H5P.com organizations make H5P possible and help move H5P forward faster in the years to come.

What to do next?