Linear course presentation


Is there any way to linearlize the course presentation mode? 
As of now, it's possible to skip through all of the presentation by using the bottom pane.
I was hoping for an option like "Click this button to proceed" such that questions and important slides cannot be skipped.
(This also applies to the interactive video, where questions can be skipped by using the slider in the video).


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falcon's picture

This isn't possible at the moment, but in a release scheduled for october it will be possible to disable all navigation except navigation created manually making this possible. Thank you for reporting!

That sounds great!

Looking forward to it.

Ok I understand. I will be looking forward to the next release!

Thank you for your quick reply.

falcon's picture

Yeah, it's actually not in the next release. The next release will hopefully be at the end of september, but it will be in the october release. Most of our developers are working on the october release now and this issue has already been solved, but we're doing qa work on the september release. It contains a lot of changes under the hood so we have to spend extra time on the qa.